God’s plan for motherhood is for children to be conceived between a man and woman in the confines of marriage. God’s plans work but He doesn’t force us to accept His ways. What we must accept however are the consequences of violating His standards. In our communities Black families continue to unravel as we stray further and further from His best. It is reported that "1/3 of all Black children under the age of 18 lives with unmarried mothers". My siblings and I were raised by my mother and childhood friends in my neighborhood were in similar circumstances. It was “normal”. It was “normal” for Black homes to be without fathers. Single parent homes led by courageous women who love their children and take responsibility for raising them the best way they know how are to be applauded. Black women in particular have faced herculean obstacles and disadvantages. Raising children with two parents is challenging even more challenging is raising them alone. Am thankful and grateful that my mother was a committed, loving woman who made great sacrifices to ensure her children were fed, clothed, sheltered, educated, encouraged and disciplined to become functioning members of society. My point is there is good and there is God’s very best. Praise God by His grace single parent homes succeed—mine and other families made it Psalm 68:5 but God is a loving Father who longs to give us His Very BEST. Something is lost, broken or skewed, when we miss God’s best. Things become harder. Eventually we make adjustments in our thinking, habits, or beliefs and over time the skewed becomes our reality and what is true and normal is mocked, dismissed or forgotten. God NEVER changes His word, His mind or His standards. In Zechariah 8:4-6 the Lord God Almighty reveals His heart and longing for our families and our communities. This passage was eye opening for me. Prior to reading it my prayer was for God’s intervention for Black families. In light of His word and desire for His people it became clear the deterioration in our communities is a result of our choices to abandon His ways. Although there are other factors at work what we are seeing in the home and in our nation is fruit that stems from decades of moral and spiritual choices that run contrary to His truth. God has exceeding and abundant good He desires to lavishly pour out on us but the choice is ours to submit to His plans. We will see changes in our homes, in our land Individually and collectively 2 Chronicles 7:14 . Understanding the bible is a love letter from a holy and omnipotent God that created the world and mankind and really knows what works may help in taking steps to align with His will. The choices we make and resulting consequences will affect generations. Luke 6: 46-49 . Be Blessed
Happy Mother’s Day
All Content © 2018 yvette watson, yvette watsonfine art
Sky, Photo Courtesy Petr Kratochvila, www.freeimages.com
Soil, Photo Courtesy Chris Chidsey, www.freeimages.com
House, Photo Courtesy, Christophe Libert, www.freeimages.com